What is your Tear Number?

24 10 2012



Our office is now officially an accredited TearLab Dry Eye Center!

Tearlab is a new, dry eye testing instrument that measures the osmolarity or “saltiness” of your basic tear film on the surface of the eye.  The more concentrated or salty the tears are from evaporation or lack of tear production, the drier the eyes are.  Dry eye disease is a medical problem that can cause not only discomfort and fluctuating vision but severe damage to the corneas and ultimately blindness.

Testing is quick and painless.  We literally collect a “dot-size” amount of basic tear fluid out of the corner of the eyes.  Only the eyelid is touched, never the eyeball itself. The results are produced in seconds.

With this tear number, we can establish a baseline of how dry the eyes are and then re-test regularly to look for improvement in the quality of the basic tear film.

Since dry eye disease is a medical problem, most medical insurace will help cover the fee for testing and for office visits to treat dry eye.

If your eyes burn, feel tired, get red, feel gritty or like dirt in eyes, are light sensitive or have fluctuating vision while blinking, you may be suffering from dry eye disease.  Make an appointment today at 935-2020 for a dry eye evaluation.

Click on this link for more information on dry eye disease:  http://allaboutdryeye.com/


Courtesy of Dumas Vision Source, PLLC and Dr Tory W. Moore, Optometric Glaucoma Specialist.    Serving the Dumas, Texas,  Moore County and upper Texas Panhandle area for 22 years.   Call             (806) 935-2020 for appointment or visit our eyewear gallery without an appointment.  Connect on Twitter @eyedocdumas  and like our Facebook business page:  Dumas Vision Source   You also can visit our website:  www.visionsource-dumas.com for more information. 

Tory W. Moore, OD  – “A Hometown Eye Doctor You Know and Can Trust!”


We are one of only two Tearlab accredited Dry Eye Centers in the Texas Panhandle!

24 10 2012


Accredited TearLab Dry Eye Center